Kristeva, Julia TIME AND SENSE – Proust and the Experience of Literature, Columbia University Press, New York, 1996.
Kristeva, Julia
TIME AND SENSE – Proust and the Experience of Literature, Columbia University Press, New York, 1996.
In-4º peq., de XII-(4)-407 pp., brochado. 1ª impressão da tradução inglesa da obra, a cargo de Ross Guberman. A edição original saíra 2 a. antes, publicada pela Gallimard, c/ o título Le Temps Sensible: Proust et l’ Expérience Littéraire. Apresenta, nas pp. iniciais, uma nota do tradutor e uma lista das abreviaturas. Segue o texto de Kristeva dividido em 3 partes. Na 1ª, intitulada The Characters Regained:
- 1 – Superimpositions,
- 2 – A Penchant for Classicism: Its Origins and Manifestations,
- 3 – Questions of Identity
Na 2ª, When Saying is Perceiving:
- 4 – The Experience of Time Embodied
- 5 – A Tribute to Metaphor
- 6 -Is Sensation a Form of Language ?
- 7 – Proust the Philosopher
Na 3ª, The Imaginary; or, Geometry in Time
- 8 – The Proustian sentence
- 9 – Losing Impatience
- 10 – Time for a Long Time.
Incluído na colecção European Perspectives, A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism.
“Offers up a fresh and incisive reading of Proust’s A La Recherche du Temps Perdu. The first essay, “Proust and the Time Embodied”, is … a dazzling psychoanalytical mapping of time and the operation of memory that explores Bataille’s profanation of the mother’ in connection with the death of Mme. Proust and the artistic and moral formation of the novelist.” (> The Antioch Review; from the backcover)
Nota bio-bibliográfica s/ Julia Kristeva (Sliven, Bulg., 1941) aqui.
Dim.: 22 x 15 cm