Davidson, Donald SUBJECTIVE, INTERSUBJECTIVE, OBJECTIVE, Claredon Press/ Oxford University Press, Oxford/ New York, 2002.

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Davidson, Donald

SUBJECTIVE, INTERSUBJECTIVE, OBJECTIVE, Claredon Press/ Oxford University Press, Oxford/ New York, 2002.

In-8º gr., de XVIII-237 pp., brochado.    Em Inglês.

”This is the third volume of Donald Davidson's philosophical writings. In this selection of his work from the 1980s and the 90s, Davidson critically examines three types of propositional knowledge—knowledge of one's own mind, knowledge of other people's minds, and knowledge of the external world—by working out the nature and status of each type, and the connections and differences among them. While his main concern remains the relation between language, thought, and reality, Davidson's discussions touch a vast variety of issues in analytic metaphysics, epistemology, and the philosophy of mind, including those of truth, human rationality, and facets of the realism–antirealism debate.”  (in https://academic.oup.com/book/32539/chapter-abstract/270307902?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=true; consultar o mesmo sítio para visualizar o índice).

Bio-bibliografia de Donald Davidson (1917-2003) aqui.

Sobre Davidson, obra e pensamento, ver: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/davidson/ 

Dim.:  21,5 x 14  cm