Hume, David ESSAYS MORAL POLITICAL AND LITERARY, Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 1992.

  • Refª.: l-10004H

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Hume, David

ESSAYS MORAL POLITICAL AND LITERARY, Liberty Fund, Indianapolis, 1992.

In-4º peq., de 683 pp., brochado.  Edição revista, c/ apresentação, glossário e notas de Eugene F. Miller (prof. aposentado da Universidade da Georgia) e à qual foi adicionado, também, um aparato de várias leituras feitas a partir da edição de 1889 por T. H. Green e T. H. Grose.  Reedição da de 1987, acrescentada e c/ reimpressão de 1992.  Em Inglês.

“We have Hume’s own word that the definitive statement of his philosophy is not to be found in the youthful Treatise of Human Nature but in the 1777 posthumous edition of his collected works entitled Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects. Yet a major part of this definitive collection, the Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary (a volume of near 600 pages, covering three decades of Hume’s career as a philosopher) has been largely ignored. The volume has rarely been in print, and the last critical edition was published in 1874-75. With this splendid, but inexpensive, new critical edition by Eugene Miller, the door is open to a richer notion of Hume’s conception of philosophy.” (Donald Livingston, Emory University).

Sobre David Hume (Edimburgo, 1711-1776) ver: 

Dim.:  23 x 15,5  cm