Mozart, W. A. KLAVIER – QUARTETTE für Klavier, Violine, Viola, Violoncello von W.A. Mozart, C.F. Peters, Leipzig, s.d.
Mozart, W. A.
KLAVIER – QUARTETTE für Klavier, Violine, Viola, Violoncello von W.A. Mozart, C.F. Peters, Leipzig, s.d.
In-4º gr., de 63 pp., brochado, o frontispício decorado c/ portada de editor (moldura de desenho clássico alusiva à música, c/ 2 figuras femininas, querubins, cisnes e motivos vegetalistas, assinada Fr. Baumgarten). Revisão de F.A. Roitzsch (1805-1889). Inclui: Quartetto em Sol menor e Quartetto em Mi bemol maior [K. 493], ambas c/ partitura para os 4 instrumentos: piano, viola, violino e violoncelo.
“One may sense a dreamy quality in the opening movement, nowhere more than in the suprising modulation that heralds the development section. The melody at that point is a motif that simply pervades this movement, a figure that begins with a falling sixth, firdt heard as the second theme of the exposition. In the course of the movement it is transposed to many keys and is heard in a variety of instrumental combinations; at the very end, it even overlaps with itself in a bit of a contrapuntal imitation. Where the G-minor [Sol menor] Piano Quartet is taut and tense, the one in E-flat major [Mi bemol maior] tends toward luxuriance, which reach its peak in the Larghetto. This is one of Mozart’s most eloquent slow movements, so rich in reiterations that it truly seems a dialogue among the four participants.” (in James M. Keller, Chamber’s Music: a Listener’s Guide, Oxford Univ.Press, Oxford, 3011, p. 336)
Nota biográfica s/ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) em:
O Quartetto em Sol menor K. 478 pode ser ouvido aqui:
Estado de conservação: leve acidez do papel, manchas de acidez nas capas e contracapas; carimbo do importador na margem inf. do frontispício e capa da frente; assinatura de posse datada de 1908; 1 caderno solto.
Dim.: 31 x 24,5 cm